Bathing or showering is a routine of washing or emerging of the body in water with a purpose of maintaining personal hygiene, performing a therapeutic procedure for healing, relaxation or as a ritual. As a personal hygiene procedure, it helps to prevent the spread of diseases and keep the body clean of toxin deposits which may include environmental pollutants such as dirt and soil.
Although frequent bathing or showering may seem like a logical choice, there are some drawbacks to consider.
Too much showering or bathing breaks the natural skin maintenance cycle
The skin is one of the largest organs in human body. It serves as a protective barrier against any invading toxins, microorganisms and environmental humidity and temperature fluctuations. Just like any other organ, the skin needs a regular care to maintain its health, functions and quality of appearance. However, too much showering or bathing may eventually disturb the natural processes occurring in the skin. Disturbed skin flora translates to a damaged protective barrier, which may be harmful not just to the skin, but to the entire body.
Side effects and health dangers of frequent bathing & showering
Removal of protective oils and altering the bacterial flora predisposes the skin to being affected by environmental hazards such as toxins and microorganism that cause infections and irritate skin.
- Excessive usage of skin cleansing products such as soaps and shampoos offsets the skin PH levels, facilitates removal of the protective sebum and disturbs the critical balance of the skin’s bacterial flora. The skin becomes prone to rashes and more severe infection manifestations caused by overgrowth of naturally present on the skin bacterial colonies and those introduced externally
- Toxic shampoos and soaps are one of the most underappreciated causes of systemic diseases
- Frequent scrubbing removes the protective sebum produced by the outer layer of the skin. Sebum protects the skin from environmental toxins and from absorbing excessive amounts of water making the skin wrinkle by excessive expanding and contracting
- Disturbed flora and removed protective oils prevent the skin from retaining the moisture resulting in dry skin that easily cracks
- Dry skin condition forces usage of skin moisturizing creams, which generally mask the existing skin condition while introducing harmful toxins into a bloodstream
- Using skin maintenance products that contain parabens and/or xenoestrogens on a daily basis, significantly increases the risk of cancers related to elevated estrogen levels.
Skin care products, including moisturizing creams can present intoxication threats.
Since chemicals are easily absorbed into the blood stream via skin, these compounds are capable of disrupting vital body functions.
- Parabens (preservatives) mimic estrogen hormone and affect endocrine system. Elevated levels of this compound is linked to development of various cancers
- Phenol (carbolic acid) affects nervous system
- Propylene glycol disrupts kidney function, inhibits healthy skin cell growth and causes variety of skin disorders after prolonged use
- Alkyloamides are carcinogenic
- Xenoestrogens are synthetic or natural compounds that mimic natural estrogen and significantly increase the risk of breast, ovarian, prostate cancers and gynecomastia.
The above are only a few commonly used compounds that are known to be dangerous. An array of chemicals being added during the manufacturing process of new products is increasing. These chemicals are often being added without an adequate research on the effects on human health.
Chemical water additives and intoxication dangers
Frequent showering and bathing increases intoxication with dangerous chemical additives that are absorbed into the bloodstream via skin.
- Fluoride water treatment – water fluoridation is actively used throughout the Unites States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland and several other countries. Fluoride is added to water supplies in attempt to improve dental health, however, long term exposure to this toxin is extremely dangerous. For this reason, many countries has stopped utilization of fluoride water treatment such as Federal Republic of Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Japan, German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia and a others.
- Chlorine disinfection – used to disinfect water and reduce the risk of microbial contamination by bacteria or viruses.
- Chlorine byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THMs) cancer group B carcinogens and haloacetic acids (HAAs) are formed as a result of chlorine interaction with organic matter
Disinfection byproducts such as THMs and HAAs are over 10,000 times more toxic than chlorine. These disinfection byproducts have been linked to reproductive, bladder and rectal cancers.
Skin maintenance tips
- Take baths or showers a few times a week with minimal usage of skin cleansing products
- When bathing or showering, use warm water. Hot baths along with scrubbing break down protective lipid barriers that also facilitates absorption of toxins from the water
- Limit usage of liquid soap products. Use natural soaps whenever possible
- Avoid frequent usage of moisturizer lotions and deodorant products or use only on “as needed” basis
- Stay away from using Loofahs and washcloths as they are often a breeding ground for bacteria. What you have washed away today, will be re-introduced back onto your skin next time you use it
- Use mineral salt deodorants to keep underarm odors under control. However, be careful. Many mineral salt deodorants contain aluminum
- Take occasional Epsom salt baths for no longer than 10 minutes for each session to cleanse your skin
- Protect skin from over exposure to sun by seeking shades or wearing protective clothing rather than using sunscreen lotions
- Limit bath time and scrub your skin gently with hands
- Pat dry moisture from the skin or use hot air to dry the skin
- Pay attention to diet, avoiding simple sugars as sugars cause opportunistic bacterial overgrowth causing unhealthy skin conditions
- Manage daily stress level as an excessive adrenaline without physical activity causes build up of stress hormones in the blood stream which suppress immune function that often results in skin health issues
- In winter, use air humidifiers that boil water to produce a warm mist. Cold mist humidifiers are known to cause respiratory infections due to the active bacteria present in unpurified water
- Drink sufficient amounts of water, but not too much water
It is important to note that any compounds left on your skin after a shower when your skin pores are open and lipids are washed away, ends up in your bloodstream. Always think about what you put on your skin!