The Link Between Blood Sugar, Diet, and Tooth Decay

The connection between blood sugar levels and tooth decay is a fascinating yet often overlooked aspect of dental health. Dr. Melvin Page, a pioneering dentist, discovered that fluctuations in blood sugar directly impact the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the bloodstream. These imbalances, in turn, can weaken teeth and bones, making them more susceptible to decay. His research highlights how different types of sugars affect blood sugar levels differently, with white sugar causing the most dramatic fluctuations, followed by fruit sugar and honey. While honey stabilizes blood sugar faster than other sweeteners, all sugars—whether natural or processed—can disrupt the delicate balance of minerals in the body, increasing the risk of cavities. ...  read more

Too much ice cream

too much of ice cream

Ice cream is a frozen soft food made from sweetened and flavored milk fat. It is often combined with a variety of ingredients to produce different flavors. Ice cream products can also be categorized into products such as frozen yogurt, sorbet, frozen custard and gelato. ...  read more