The connection between blood sugar levels and tooth decay is a fascinating yet often overlooked aspect of dental health. Dr. Melvin Page, a pioneering dentist, discovered that fluctuations in blood sugar directly impact the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the bloodstream. These imbalances, in turn, can weaken teeth and bones, making them more susceptible to decay. His research highlights how different types of sugars affect blood sugar levels differently, with white sugar causing the most dramatic fluctuations, followed by fruit sugar and honey. While honey stabilizes blood sugar faster than other sweeteners, all sugars—whether natural or processed—can disrupt the delicate balance of minerals in the body, increasing the risk of cavities. ...
Too much of insoluble fiber
Dietary fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It promotes regular bowel movements, aids in weight management, and supports overall gut health. However, for some individuals, consuming insoluble fiber can lead to stomach pain and discomfort. In this article, we delve into the reasons why insoluble fiber may cause stomach pain and discuss ways to manage it effectively. ...
Too much garlic
Garlic (Allium Sativum) is a bulbous plant. It can reach the height of up to 4.5 feet. Garlic is considered a spice, vegetable, and medicine. It is native to central Asia, Africa and Europe. Its use has been tracked back as far as 7000 years. ...
Too much ice cream
Ice cream is a frozen soft food made from sweetened and flavored milk fat. It is often combined with a variety of ingredients to produce different flavors. Ice cream products can also be categorized into products such as frozen yogurt, sorbet, frozen custard and gelato. ...
Too much Milk of Magnesia (laxative)
Milk of Magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) is commonly used as a laxative or an antacid. The effect is a dosage dependent. It is sold in form of capsules, liquids and chewable tablets as a medicinal aid for constipation or a heartburn. ...
Too much fish oil (omega-3 oil)
Fish Oil (an omega-3 oil) is an extract from the tissues of oily fish. Fish Oils composed of omega-3 fatty acids known as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These compounds were found to reduce inflammation and provide other health benefits. ...
Too much oatmeal (white oats)
Oatmeal is a soluble fiber product that is produced by milling of the oat groats, also known as white oats. ...
Too much red meat
Red meat is a term that came from a culinary industry. It refers to all meat that is red uncooked and does not appear white after being cooked. The common red meats being consumed in western part of the world are beef, lamb, goat, horse, goose, duck, pork and other livestock animals. ...
Too much potassium
Potassium is a vital mineral to human body’s functions. Naturally, potassium can only be found in ionic salts and is a component of many mineral compounds. ...
Too much antioxidants
Antioxidants are molecules that prevent an oxidation process of other molecules. Excessive oxidation can create a significant amount of free radicals and can start reactions resulting in healthy cell damage or cellular death. On the contrary, even though oxidation process can be damaging, it is vital to healthy functions of an immune system. ...