The Link Between Blood Sugar, Diet, and Tooth Decay

The connection between blood sugar levels and tooth decay is a fascinating yet often overlooked aspect of dental health. Dr. Melvin Page, a pioneering dentist, discovered that fluctuations in blood sugar directly impact the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the bloodstream. These imbalances, in turn, can weaken teeth and bones, making them more susceptible to decay. His research highlights how different types of sugars affect blood sugar levels differently, with white sugar causing the most dramatic fluctuations, followed by fruit sugar and honey. While honey stabilizes blood sugar faster than other sweeteners, all sugars—whether natural or processed—can disrupt the delicate balance of minerals in the body, increasing the risk of cavities. ...  read more

Too much acne

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. It primarily affects areas of the body with a high density of oil glands, such as the face, chest, back, and shoulders. ...  read more

Dangers of having too much happiness

While happiness is generally seen as a positive emotion, it is possible for excessive or extreme levels of happiness to have potential drawbacks or be problematic in certain circumstances. ...  read more

Too much cavities (tooth decay)

dental cavities

Oral health should be considered as one of the most important aspects in maintaining overall health as it’s a part of the digestive mechanism. If you already have or plan on having a root canal procedure done, read important information on root canals...  read more

Too much sleep (oversleeping)

too much sleeping fatique

Sleep is considered to be a dynamic activity. It is state of unconsciousness when human perception and sensory mechanisms are suspended while the voluntary muscles activity is stopped. During the sleep, the anabolic activity is raised, promoting rejuvenation of body systems, including immune, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. ...  read more

Too much thirst

drinking too much water

Thirst is a basic instinct to drink. The need to drink arises when a body becomes deficient in fluids or there is a change in cellular osmosis. ...  read more

Too much loose skin (sagging skin)

skin sagging and stretched skin

Loose skin (a.k.a. skin sagging and stretched skin) is often referred to as a cosmetic condition when either the skin lost its elasticity due to age or too much loose skin is available for a body mass that is smaller then the amount of skin that is required to cover it. ...  read more